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Pet center: 93 340 74 04 | Home veterinary service: 693 71 18 63 | Email:

It is important to detect leishamnia in time 2018

Leishmania is a disease produced by a microscopic parasite that is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito called phlebotome, which lives during summer. It mainly affects dogs from endemic areas such as Catalonia. The incubation time of the disease (from the time the mosquito bites until the symptoms are seen) is 6 months, this means around Christmas.

The first presentation of this disease is usually cutaneous. It can show inflammation of the skin, ulcerations, desquamation in the nose and eyelids, lesions in ears, hair loss and exaggerated growth of nails. When the affectation progresses, the internal organs are also affected causing an increase in the size and malfunction of the liver, kidney problems, loss of weight and appetite or joint problems.

Unfortunately, this disease has no confirmed cure at this days. Even so, with regular veterinary control and thanks to medications that prevent the evolution of the disease and alleviate its symptoms, the affected dog can maintain a good quality of life.

Early diagnosis is always the key to fighting the effects of the disease. Leishmaniasis can be diagnosed by two methods: a rapid test carried out in the same clinic or a blood test in the laboratory.

Now you will ask yourself… How can I prevent my dog from contracting Leishmaniasis? Well, you have to use good prevention. We have different options such as pipettes, antiparasitic collars or vaccination. The best thing is to combine several of these factors so that the protection is greater. In addition, we also recommend that our pets do not sleep outdoors in hot weather because this is when they are most exposed to the bite of phlebotome.

In Animal Salut we have launched an early detection and prevention campaign against Leishmania. Being now in the 6 months after the bite, it is now the ideal time to perform the test and, therefore, we offer 50% discount to do so. We also apply this same discount on the injection of the vaccine to prevent the disease.

In Animal Salut we have launched a detection and prevention campaign. This month you can take advantage of the offer we offer: the test and the vaccine at 50% of its price.


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