This is Animal Salut’s second post on Leishmaniasis. We write about again about because it is the most important endemic disease in our area and, unfortunately, there is no effective cure so far.
In this post we will talk about leishmania’s prevention. If you want to know more about the disease or its detection, do not hesitate to read the previous post in our Blog.
Read more about Leishmania in our previous post

There are currently two ways to prevent leishmania. The first one is to prevent the mosquito responsible for transmitting the parasitic disease from biting our pet; this is achieved by pipettes, necklaces or insecticide sprays. The second way is based on teaching the body how to fight the disease; we will do this with vaccines or a syrup.
Talking about the external antiparasitic options we must first mention the spot on (eg: Advantix, Effitix, Frontline), it have a maximum duration of 4 weeks, although it is recommended to redose at 3 weeks in times or areas of greater risk. Not all of them have protection against the Leishmania mosquito, so it is important to make sure at the time of purchasing. The same happens with the antiparasitic collars, some cover the bite of the mosquito and others do not, some have a duration of 4 months, others of 8… There are different marks (ex: Scalibor, Seresto, Taber) and different compositions. Finally, insecticide sprays usually have a short duration of action so they are recommended for momentary parasite infestations, not for prevention.

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As far as teaching the body’s immunity to fight against the disease, we can use Leisguard syrup in times of greatest risk, with the guideline dictated by our Animal Salut veterinarians. Another way to teach immunity is through vaccination; Canileish or LetiFend are the two trademarks that exist today. Both are effective, have an annual revaccination guideline and it is necessary a negative result to the fast leishmania test before the first administration. Although, we emphasize that these second methods do not prevent mosquito bites.
What is most effective? The combination. None of the methods described above is 100% effective, so our recommendation is always to use at least two of this options to increase the protection of our dog, especially in times of heat, which we consider from April to October.
A good combination would be vaccination + pipette or vaccination + collar. In Animal Salut we launched this month a prevention campaign against Leishmaniasis.
A good combination would be vaccination + pipette or vaccination + collar. In Animal Salut we launched this month this prevention campaign against Leishmaniasis.
Vaccinate him against Leishmania. Take the Seresto collar at 50% or the gift pipette.