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Pet center: 93 340 74 04 | Home veterinary service: 693 71 18 63 | Email:

Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by the Leishmania protozoan, which is transmitted by the bite of a sandfly mosquito. This disease affects people and animals, dogs being one of the main reservoirs of the parasite. In dogs, leishmaniasis can cause a variety of symptoms, including weight loss, weakness, skin and nail lesions, and involvement of internal organs such as the liver and spleen. Therefore, early detection of the disease is essential to be able to treat it on time and prevent its progression.

Currently, there are several methods for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis in dogs, such as serology, PCR and cytology. One of the most used methods is serology, which is based on the detection of antibodies against the parasite through an analysis of the animal’s blood; which is sent to a reference laboratory and, in 48, we obtain the result.

Currently, there is a veterinary test for the early detection of leishmaniasis in dogs. This test is based on the detection of antibodies against a specific Leishmania protein in the animal’s blood. The advantage of this test is that it offers fast results (in just 10 minutes), with very little blood sample, and it is very sensitive and specific.

It is important to note that the test does not replace other diagnostic methods, such as serology, but rather complements them to establish an accurate and rapid diagnosis. In addition, the treatment of leishmaniasis in dogs is complex and prolonged, and requires a combination of various drugs and hygienic measures, so it is important to follow the veterinarian’s instructions.

Read here how to carry out a correct prevention.

In conclusion, early detection of leishmaniasis in dogs is essential to be able to treat it on time and prevent its progression. The veterinary test offers fast, sensitive and specific results, which makes it a very useful tool in the early detection of the disease in dogs.

For this reason, at Animal Salut, we started a campaign for the early detection of leishmaniasis, offering 50% of the test from 05-08-2023 to 06-30-2023.


This test can be used both for early detection and for screening prior to vaccination. Contact us for more information or to make an appointment.