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Leishmaniasis in Dogs: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

Leishmaniasis in dogs

Leishmaniasis in dogs is a serious parasitic disease that can affect various organs and systems, severely compromising the animal’s health. In regions like Catalonia, where the disease is endemic and affects approximately 15-20% of dogs, prevention is key. Its high incidence in this area is due to the favorable climatic conditions for sandflies, making the use of effective preventive measures essential.


In this article, we explain in detail what canine leishmaniasis is, how it is transmitted, what symptoms it presents, and the best strategies to prevent it. Additionally, we inform you about our special prevention campaign with exclusive discounts.

What is leishmaniasis in dogs?

Qué es la leishmaniosis en perros y cómo se transmite


Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by the protozoan Leishmania infantum, transmitted through the bite of the sandfly, a tiny insect active from dusk to dawn. This disease is a zoonosis, meaning it can also affect humans, although dogs are the main reservoir.


In Catalonia, leishmaniasis is a recurring problem, but many owners still do not give it the importance it deserves. It has no definitive cure, but with early diagnosis and proper treatment, it can be controlled and the dog’s quality of life improved.

Where is leishmaniasis most common in dogs?


The disease is endemic in many regions of Spain, especially in warm and humid areas. In Catalonia and Barcelona, the incidence is high, making prevention with vaccines and antiparasitics essential.

Mapa de la incidencia de leishmaniosis en perros en España por zonas

How is leishmaniasis transmitted in dogs?

Cómo se infecta un perro con leishmaniosis: transmisión por flebótomos


Sandflies seek areas with little hair to bite, such as the muzzle, ears, or abdomen. Infection occurs when an infected sandfly introduces the parasite into the dog’s bloodstream. The parasite can remain in a latent state for months or years before manifesting symptoms, and factors such as stress, inadequate nutrition, previous illnesses, or exposure to unsanitary environments can trigger the disease. Additionally, young or elderly dogs, as well as certain breeds with genetic predisposition, may be more vulnerable to developing severe symptoms.

What are the symptoms of leishmaniasis in dogs?

The symptoms of leishmaniasis in dogs vary depending on the animal’s immune status. Some of the most common include:

  • Hair loss around the eyes (periocular alopecia).
  • Abnormal nail growth.
  • Weight loss and decreased appetite.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • Scaly dermatitis and skin wounds that do not heal.
  • Nasal bleeding.
  • Kidney and eye damage in advanced cases.

If your dog presents any of these symptoms, it is crucial to visit the veterinarian as soon as possible for a detection test. A late diagnosis may allow the disease to progress and affect vital organs such as the kidneys, complicating treatment and reducing the animal’s life expectancy and quality of life.

Síntomas de la leishmaniosis en perros: alopecia, ganglios inflamados y pérdida de peso

How to detect and prevent leishmaniasis in dogs?

Early diagnosis is key to controlling the disease. At Animal Salut, we conduct rapid detection tests to determine if a dog has been in contact with the parasite. Additionally, prevention is fundamental and should include:

  1. Early detection test: Identifies infection in its initial stages.

  2. Leishmaniasis vaccine: Trains the dog’s immune system to fight the parasite. While it does not prevent infection, it reduces the severity of the disease.

  3. Use of antiparasitic collars and pipettes: Reduces the risk of bites.

  4. Avoiding nighttime walks: Decreases exposure to sandflies.

Many owners are still unaware of the importance of vaccination. According to recent studies, less than 40% of dogs in Spain receive the leishmaniasis vaccine, increasing the risk of disease spread. Although it has been available for years, its use is not yet widespread. Our goal is to raise awareness of its importance and complement protection with repellent methods.

Join our leishmaniasis prevention campaign!


At Animal Salut, we are launching a special campaign to help prevent this disease:


  • 25% discount on the leishmaniasis detection test.
  • 10% discount on the leishmaniasis vaccine.


Promotion valid from March 4 to April 7, 2025.


Book your appointment now at our clinic and protect your dog from leishmaniasis. Remember, prevention is the best strategy to avoid your pet’s suffering and ensure their well-being.

Campaña 2025 contra la leishmaniosis en perros: descuentos en vacuna y test de detección precoz.

Book your appointment today and protect your dog from leishmaniasis!