Contact us: : Pet center: 93 340 74 04 | Home veterinary service: 693 71 18 63 | Email:

Pet center: 93 340 74 04 | Home veterinary service: 693 71 18 63 | Email:

Travel with dogs and animals 2019

Now with the summer and the good weather we take advantage to travel and, in some cases, we take our animals and dogs to travel with us. Many times we do not take it into account but to travel with dogs or other animals must comply with very specific safety and health measures.

Contact our veterinary center before traveling with dogs so we can help you.

It is very important to plan where and when to travel with our animals and dogs in advance because in certain places or countries require specific vaccination dates or serological tests prior to traveling with our dogs. 

In our veterinary centre we always recommend talking to the company with which we are going to travel with our dogs or animals, and even with the consulate of the country where we are going to travel so that they inform us about the specific requirements of that particular country. 

In general, in our veterinary center we recommend the following basic measures to travel with our dogs and animals to other countries.  

Identification: to travel they must be correctly identified with their microchip number. This is not only due to regulations, it is also due to us; if we are going to travel with our animals or dogs to another country and they get lost, if they are correctly identified we do not ensure their encounter.

Read here our post about correct identification.

Annual Vaccination: You must bring the annual veterinary vaccination in order with vaccines of hepatitis, distemper, parvovirosis and sometimes may require vaccination against leptospirosis. 

Anti-rabies vaccination: rabies is eradicated in many countries, but in order to avoid transmissions when travelling with our animals and dogs, it is obligatory to cross borders with the correct vaccination against this disease and the correct veterinary seal. 

If you want more information check our post on rabies.

Antibodies or Serological Analysis: in certain countries, in addition to a correct vaccination require a serological control of rabies to ensure that dogs or animals wishing to travel to their territory do not pose a threat to their inhabitants. 

Deworming: the deworming must be up to date, both internal and external. 

Passport: the passport is the European health card for animals and dogs, it looks a lot like ours, and it is necessary if we want to cross borders and travel with them. It is carried out in the veterinary centre and it is discharged immediately with a computer program. In order to be discharged, a correct identification by means of a microchip is necessary. 

If you prefer, contact our home service to book an appointment.

Health Certificate: it is a document issued by the veterinarian according to which the animals or dogs with which we wish to travel are in good health, have all the vaccinations and deworming up to date and, if necessary, have undergone the required blood tests. This veterinary document has a duration of 10 days from its expedition. 

In the veterinary center of Animal Salut we want to make the process easier and cheaper, so we launched a campaign to travel with animals and dogs. 

Combining the passport with the rabies vaccination you will save 50%, if you only need one of the two things you will save 35%.


Do not hesitate to contact us for an appointment at our vet!


Contact us by calling 93 340 74 04 or sending an e-mail to