How have the Three Wise Men behaved? We know that many familys have extended these days with a four-legged member and you will be wondering about the necessary vaccinations. That’s why in Animal Salut we dedicate this post to clarify your doubts.
The vaccines are applied as prevention against certain diseases to avoid the contagion and to create antibodies so the puppy does not get sick. Before the injection of any vaccine, it is important to assure a correct sanitary and immunitary state, that is why in our veterinarian we always make a previous exploration and a correct deworming to assure the security and vaccine-effectiveness.
Puppies start getting vaccinated at 6 weeks of age. This first vaccine is called Puppy and is composed of the two diseases that can mainly affect them: parvovirus and distemper. In breeds such as Rottweiller, Husky, Dobermann and Golden, this vaccine can be injected earlier due to the high sensitivity of these breeds to parvovirus, also the dose must be repeated later.
The second major vaccine is injected 2 or 3 weeks after the Puppy one. This one is called tetravalent or pentavalent (depending on the diseases against wiches it protects) and creates immunity against parvovirus, distemper, parainfluenza, hepatitis and leptospirosis. This second vaccine should be repeated after 21 days to strengthen the dog’s immunity against these diseases.
The rabies vaccination in Catalonia is not obligatory, only in dogs classified as potentially dangerous or if you have to travel with your dog outside the autonomous community. It can be injected from 3 months of age, but in our veterinarian we recommend to vaccinate from 6 months.

In the case of kittens, the first vaccination is at 2 months of age. The vaccine that is injected is called trivalent and protects against feline panleucopenia, rhinotracheitis and calicivirus. A month later, a reminder of this same vaccine must be given again to reinforce the memory of the animal’s defences.

In addition to trivalent vaccine, if your kitten is prone to go out on the street or will be able to get in contact with other cats that may suffer from leukaemia (such as stray cats or cats from neighbours who do not know their health or vaccination status), it is advisable to vaccinate against feline leukaemia which, like the previous one, needs 2 separate doses.
In Animal Salut we have Packs of puppy vaccination, for both dogs and cats, to make it easier and more economic for you to follow a good vaccination protocol. Consult us if you have doubts!