A couple of weeks ago we had the pleasure of being interviewed on the Acelobert radio station.
There we could talk about our center and our customers.
This is what they say about us:
The Animal Salut de la Sagrera clinic offers a wide variety of services. Mireia Badia, veterinarian and coordinator of the center, explains that they have “a store specialized in dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and other animals; a hairdresser and also a veterinary center “.
In total, there are three workers – two veterinarians and one hairdresser – and, in case clients’ animals require specialty care that local veterinarians do not treat, they also have an external service.
In reference to the pets, Badia assures that they are very intelligent: “there are many animals that already enter the store because whenever they pass by we give them jellybeans”. So, “they enter happy because they know they will have a prize”.
However, sometimes things get complicated. Animals, unlike people, do not understand why they are pricked or why the veterinarian touches a leg they have wrong. For this reason, pets often associate the veterinarian with something negative and treating them becomes a complicated task. Now, with patience and care, everything ends up being solved.
In fact, Badia explains that “many times the animals behave badly because they get on the hump of the owners”. They are aware that they will protect them if something happens to them and, therefore, sometimes the solution is for the owners to “go outside and the animals do not see them” and calm down.
The Animal Salut Clinic, located on Olesa Street number 67, near the Mercado de Felip II, also has a home service, mostly used by elderly people with problems to travel. For more information, they have a website (www.animalsalut.com) and a contact telephone number (933 407 404).
Here we attach the link to both the article and the interview.
Mireia Badia, d’Animal Salut: «Els animals entren contents perquè saben que tindran premi»