Contact us: : Pet center: 93 340 74 04 | Home veterinary service: 693 71 18 63 | Email:

Pet center: 93 340 74 04 | Home veterinary service: 693 71 18 63 | Email:


Our veterinarian practice and veterinarian at home offers all the services that our pets need such as vaccination, exotic animal, chip implantation and registration, travel documentation, dermatology … among other services.


At Animal Salut we take care of the health of your pets as if they were our own. That’s why we offer a wide range of services and vaccination plans. This way we can ensure the good health of our pets and foresee the veterinary problems before they appear. In addition, we have a large team of veterinary professionals who develop their work in a precise and personalized for each case.

As happens to us throughout life, our pets also suffer from health problems, or need veterinary care like the ones we offer at our veterinary center. At Animal Salut we offer a personal and quality service for your pets. Contact us and we will be happy to help you and your pets.